Saturday, October 17, 2009

Cyber Stalking

Recently i came across some articles which showed a considerable rise in cases of Cyber Stalking in India.
Well lets draw an overview on this latest facet of cyber crime :

Cyber Stalking can be defined as the repeated acts harassment or threatening behavior of the cyber criminal towards the victim by using internet services. Stalking in General terms can be referred to as the repeated acts of harassment targeting the victim such as following the victim, making harassing phone calls, killing the victims pet, vandalizing victims property, leaving written messages or objects. Stalking may be followed by serious violent acts such as physical harm to the victim and the same has to be treated and viewed seriously. It all depends on the course of conduct of the stalker.
Both kind of Stalkers Online & Offline – have desire to control the victims life. Majority of the stalkers are the dejected lovers or ex-lovers, who then want to harass the victim because they failed to satisfy their secret desires. Most of the stalkers are men and victim female.

How do they Operate
Collect all personal information about the victim such as name, family background, Telephone Numbers of residence and work place, daily routine of the victim, address of residence and place of work, date of birth etc. If the stalker is one of the acquaintances of the victim he can easily get this information. If stalker is a stranger to victim, he collects the information from the internet resources such as various profiles, the victim may have filled in while opening the chat or e-mail account or while signing an account with some website.
The stalker may post this information on any website related to sex-services or dating services, posing as if the victim is posting this information and invite the people to call the victim on her telephone numbers to have sexual services. Stalker even uses very filthy and obscene language to invite the interested persons.
People of all kind from nook and corner of the World, who come across this information, start calling the victim at her residence and/or work place, asking for sexual services or relationships.
Some stalkers subscribe the e-mail account of the victim to innumerable pornographic and sex sites, because of which victim starts receiving such kind of unsolicited e-mails.
Some stalkers keep on sending repeated e-mails asking for various kinds of favors or threaten the victim.
In online stalking the stalker can make third party to harass the victim.
Follow their victim from board to board. They “hangout” on the same BB’s as their victim, many times posting notes to the victim, making sure the victim is aware that he/she is being followed. Many times they will “flame” their victim (becoming argumentative, insulting) to get their attention.
Stalkers will almost always make contact with their victims through email. The letters may be loving, threatening, or sexually explicit. He will many times use multiple names when contacting the victim.
Contact victim via telephone. If the stalker is able to access the victims telephon, he will many times make calls to the victim to threaten, harass, or intimidate them.
Track the victim to his/her home.

Definition of Cyberstalking?
Although there is no universally accepted definition of cyberstalking, the term is used in this report to refer to the use of the Internet, e-mail, or other electronic communications devices to stalk another person. Stalking generally involves harassing or threatening behavior that an individual engages in repeatedly, such as following a person, appearing at a person’s home or place of business, making harassing phone calls, leaving written messages or objects, or vandalizing a person’s property. Most stalking laws require that the perpetrator make a credible threat of violence against the victim; others include threats against the victim’s immediate family; and still others require only that the alleged stalker’s course of conduct constitute an implied threat.(1) While some conduct involving annoying or menacing behavior might fall short of illegal stalking, such behavior may be a prelude to stalking and violence and should be treated seriously.

Nature and Extent of Cyberstalking
An existing problem aggravated by new technology Although online harassment and threats can take many forms, cyberstalking shares important characteristics with offline stalking. Many stalkers – online or off – are motivated by a desire to exert control over their victims and engage in similar types of behavior to accomplish this end. As with offline stalking, the available evidence (which is largely anecdotal) suggests that the majority of cyberstalkers are men and the majority of their victims are women, although there have been reported cases of women cyberstalking men and of same-sex cyberstalking. In many cases, the cyberstalker and the victim had a prior relationship, and the cyberstalking begins when the victim attempts to break off the relationship. However, there also have been many instances of cyberstalking by strangers. Given the enormous amount of personal information available through the Internet, a cyberstalker can easily locate private information about a potential victim with a few mouse clicks or key strokes.

The fact that cyberstalking does not involve physical contact may create the misperception that it is more benign than physical stalking. This is not necessarily true. As the Internet becomes an ever more integral part of our personal and professional lives, stalkers can take advantage of the ease of communications as well as increased access to personal information. In addition, the ease of use and non-confrontational, impersonal, and sometimes anonymous nature of Internet communications may remove disincentives to cyberstalking. Put another way, whereas a potential stalker may be unwilling or unable to confront a victim in person or on the telephone, he or she may have little hesitation sending harassing or threatening electronic communications to a victim. Finally, as with physical stalking, online harassment and threats may be a prelude to more serious behavior, including physical violence.

A close look at a cyber stalking case in our country :
The Delhi Police has recently registered India’s First Case of Cyberstalking. One Mrs. Ritu Kohli complained to the police against the a person who was using her identity to chat over the Internet at the website, mostly in the Delhi channel for four consecutive days. Mrs. Kohli further complained that the person was chatting on the Net, using her name and giving her address and was talking obscene language. The same person was also deliberately giving her telephone number to other chatters encouraging them to call Ritu Kohli at odd hours. Consequently, Mrs Kohli received almost 40 calls in three days mostly at odd hours from as far away as Kuwait, Cochin, Bombay and Ahmedabad. The said calls created havoc in the personal life and mental peace of Ritu Kohli who decided to report the matter.

Consequently, the IP addresses were traced and the police investigated the entire matter and ultimately arrested Manish Kathuria on the said complaint. Manish apparently pleaded guilty and was arrested. A case was registered under section 509, of the Indian Penal Code (IPC). And thereafter he was released on bail.

This is the first time when a case of cyberstalking has been reported. Cyberstalking does not have any one definition but it can be defined to mean threatening, unwarranted behaviour or advances directed by one net user to another user using the medium of Internet and other forms of online communication. Cyberstalking is a recent phenomenon and women generally are the main targets of this cybercrime..

The said case of Ritu Kohli raises numerous Cyberlaw issues. It may be pertinent to mention that the said case came up before the coming into force of the Information Technology Act, 2000, India’s maiden foray in Cyberlaw. The case has been registered under section 509, IPC which reads as follows :

“Word, gesture or act intended to insult the modesty of a woman. – Whoever, intending to insult the modesty of any woman, utters any word, makes any sound or gesture, or exhibits any object, intending that such word or sound shall be heard, or that such gesture or object shall be seen, by such woman, or intrudes upon the privacy of such woman, shall be punished with simple imprisonment for a term which may extend to one year, or with fine or with both.”

A perusal of the entire section shows that the said section does not cover cyberstalking. The important ingredients of the said section includes that a word must be uttered or a sound or gesture must be made or any object must be exhibited. When a person chats on the Net for the purpose of the cyberstalking, he is neither uttering a word in the sense of the law nor making a sound or gesture nor exhibiting any object. The word chatting has been brought into coinage basically to describe a process by means of which various net users are simultaneously exchanging their views on the Internet with the help of technology. The net user is only working on his computer while chatting and that activity would not come within the ambit of Section 509 IPC even with the most liberal interpretation. Another issues is if no word has been uttered in the eyes of law or no sound or gestures has been make or object exhibited, then the question of intention behind the same would be very difficult to establish in a court of law, more so when the case relates to Cyberspace. Further, how would law enforcing agencies and the courts of law be able to find out about the intention to insult the modesty of any woman in cyberspace? It will be equally difficult to apply the other condition which talks about intruding upon the privacy of such woman ,stipulated in Section 509 IPC to cyberstalking. How would the courts adjudicate upon the intrusion of privacy of any woman in Cyberspace when cyberspace is a free, boundary less medium where privacy itself is at the center stage of controversy?

Even the new Information Technology Act, 2000 does not address the issue of Cyberstalking at all. Another Cyberlaw issue concerning cyberstalking is which court would have jurisdiction to try the offence of cyberstalking. There is a need to create more awareness amongst the legislature and the law enforcing agencies regarding this new cybercrime in order to enable its early regulation .

- With collected information from website of Mumbai Police, cyber crime bureau of India and various other sources.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

a thing called ragging

letme make a thing clear....
i m a 1st year engineering student at one of the most reputed colleges in india...
and the thing called ragging is infact a proven medium to map the bonds of respect and affection among seniors and juniors....
so it should be infact taken in a sportive maner rather than putting on shitted out complaints against our elders...

There was a recent write up stating that ragging was detected in a women’s college. The writer was shocked. How can girls rag? Why not?
A bully need not be a male only. Anyone who is aggressive and loves to target those who are less capable of handling themselves, can be a bully. This applies to both men and women. Ragging was reported mostly from men’s college, so the fact that girls too can bully was not taken notice of. In this women’s college, a young girl was made to dance naked and she felt so humiliated, she quit.
Who is a bully? Why does someone take to bullying? Bullying habits start from childhood, so one can easily identify these young bullies. And if they are addressed while young, this habit can be nipped in the bud.
A young child who witnesses violence at home, will grow up thinking to get one’s needs satisfied, one has to resort to violence. It boils down to survival of the fittest, and if violence opens doors, then that style is adopted. A home where the parents are forever shouting, abusing each other and the children, and where addiction of some sort is present, will give rise to children who will not mind bullying tactics. They will consider it normal to bully and get their way.
Also those children who do not get love and attention at home can resort to bullying. Through democratic parenting, children can be taught to own responsibility and to respect others and their property. When such parenting is lacking, there is no one to guide, then the children will grow up with no respect for people or social rules. And this can happen to boys as well as girls.
Many children have difficulty controlling their impulses. And when such behavior patterns are not observed and rectified, then these children can turn into bullies. I happened to visit the juvenile home some time back. There I met a young boy, in his teens who had got into trouble because of his immaturity. He appeared very soft, shy and someone who can be taken for a ride. Apparently he had interfered in an adults’ quarrel which ended in him being the cause of a man’s death. It did not seem to strike him he was the cause of a person’s death, he was that immature.
Then there are those who love attention. And even negative attention is craved for. They wish for other children to look up to them, feel like some heroes and bask in hero worship. For them appearing hip will be to pick on someone and control that person.
Bullies generally tend to pick on those who will not retaliate. They do not wish to appear not capable, and their victims will be either younger than them or physically weak. And bullying is a determined act. It is not accidental or spur of the moment, bullies select their victims and bring about control over them.
When a child is observed displaying bullying habits, he/she has to be counseled. He/she may lack individual attention, either from parents or from school authorities. The parents have to be counseled on the negative consequences of bullying and they have to be shown the benefits of responsible parenting.
Also when such children do not see any visible monitoring happening, then they will indulge in this behavior without qualms. They can also be egged on by others and sometimes they are manipulated by vested interests. They being immature, can easily fall into such traps.
Ragging in educational institutions has become a criminal offense. If the students indulge in ragging they can be arrested and their future can become a question mark. So the negative consequences of ragging or bullying will have to be pointed out to them apart from showing them positive behavior.
Such children crave attention. And when the adults compliment or appreciate their good behavior and ignore their negative behavior, changes in behavior can be expected. They will have to be mentored closely and given good role models to follow. Involving them in some sort of community service will also help.
Their excess energy can be diverted in physical activities and they can be encouraged to participate in contact sports. Ridiculing them or shunning them will not yield results. It is their behavior that has to be ignored, not them.
If it is guidance they need, it can be provided. Some children come from broken homes, or from homes where one or both parents suffer some pathology. Such children do not know acceptable behavior. Here the educational institutions can extend a helping hand.
Bullies are not born so, only circumstances make them bullies. Unless they suffer from some pathology themselves, their behavior is mostly learned. And so the behavior can be unlearned. They need to be counseled and they also need our empathy. It is not only the victims that need help, even bullies do. It will be tough, but when the problem is detected early, positive results with counseling can be expected.

Friday, July 10, 2009


In the beginning, God created the bit. And the bit was a zero; nothing.

On the first day, He toggled the 0 to 1, and the Universe was. (In those days, bootstrap loaders were simple, and "active low" signals didn't yet exist.)

On the second day, God's boss wanted a demo, and tried to read the bit. This being volatile memory, the bit reverted to a 0. And the universe wasn't. God learned the importance of backups and memory refresh, and spent the rest of the day ( and his first all-nighter ) reconstructing the universe.

On the third day, the bit cried "Oh, Lord! If you exist, give me a sign!" And God created rev 2.0 of the bit, even better than the original prototype. Those in Universe Marketing immediately realized the the "new and improved" wouldn't do justice to such a grand and glorious creation. And so it was dubbed the Most Significant Bit, or the Sign bit. Many bits followed, but only one was so honored.

On the fourth day, God created a simple ALU with 'add' and 'logical shift' instructions. And the original bit discovered that by performing a single shift instruction, it could become the Most Significant Bit. And God realized the importance of computer security.

On the fifth day, God created the first mid-life kicker, rev 2.0 of the ALU, with wonderful features, and said "Screw that add and shift stuff. Go forth and multiply." And God saw that it was good.

On the sixth day, God got a bit overconfident, and invented pipelines, register hazards, optimizing compilers, crosstalk, restartable instructions, microinterrupts, race conditions, and propagation delays. Historians have used this to convincingly argue that the sixth day must have been a Monday.

On the seventh day, an engineering change introduced UNIX into the Universe, and it hasn't worked right since.


Are you terrified of your computer? Do you feel out of place and overwhelmed when your friends or coworkers start spouting reams and reams of technical jargon that you will never understand? Then this article is for you! We'll help you get over your fear of technical terminology by tickling your funny bone. We'll start with some definitions that SHOULD be true, and we hope are entertaining.

486 - The average IQ needed to understand a P.C.

State-of-the-art - Any computer you can't afford.

Obsolete - Any computer you own.

Microsecond - The time it takes for your State-of-the-art-computer to become obsolete.

Syntax Error - Hi, I want to buy a computer and money is no object.

GUI (pronounced gooey) - What your computer becomes after spilling your coffee on it.

Computer Chip - Any starchy food stuff consumed in mass quantities while programming.

Keyboard - The standard way to generate computer errors.

Mouse - An advanced input device to make computer errors easier to generate.

Floppy - The state of your wallet after purchasing a computer.

Hard Drive - The sales technique employed by computer salesmen.

Portable Computer - A device invented to force businessmen to work at home, on vacation and on business trips.

Disk Crash - A typical computer response to any critical deadline.

Power User - Anyone who can format a disk from DOS.

System Update - A quick method of trashing ALL of your software.

Monday, July 6, 2009


New Delhi: Union railway minister Mamata Banerjee presented the railway budget 2009-10 in the Lok Sabha today. In what is seen as the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government's return gift to the people, who gave it a second straight term in office, the railway budget 2009-10 today left passenger fares and freight rates untouched.

Railway budget highlights:

  • Passenger and freight rates left unchanged across the board.
  • Railways earn net revenue of Rs8,121 crore in 2008-09.
  • Railways to pay higher dividend of Rs5,479 crore to the Centre in FY 2010.
  • Tatkal charges reduced from Rs150 to Rs100.
  • Ladies' specials on suburban train routes during peak hours.
  • 'Izzat' monthly tickets of Rs25 (for up to 100 km travel) for people from the unorganised sector with an income of less than Rs1,500 per month.
  • New coach factory at Kanchrapara in West Bengal.
  • Cold storage facilities for farmers to store vegetables and fruits.
  • Talks to take over ailing wagon manufacturing units.
  • 18,000 wagons to be acquired during the current year.
  • Railway medical colleges and rail hospitals on public-private partnership basis.
  • Student concession will cover madrassa students.
  • Special coaches for disabled and aged people.
  • 50 stations to be developed along world-class standards.
  • 375 stations to be upgraded as 'Adarsh' stations, with basic facilities such as drinking water, toilets and ladies' dormitories.
  • Availability of doctors on-board long-distance trains.
  • On-board infotainment services to be provided.
  • 6,560 staff quarters to be constructed in 2009-10.
  • High-capacity double-decker A/C trains to be introduced.
  • 57 new trains to be introduced.
  • 12 non-stop trains to be introduced.
  • Accredited journalists to get 50% rebate; also once a year with spouse.
  • 1,000 MW power plant proposed in tribal area Adra.
  • Cash surplus of Rs17,400 crore before dividend.
  • Railways have investible surplus of Rs12,681 crore.
  • Annual plan expenditure pegged at Rs36,336 crore.

Saturday, March 21, 2009


Indian News Channels' obsession with 'Khali'

Tune into Star TV or Aajtak or anyother channel and the chances are quite strong that you would see a special report on The Great Khali alias Dalip Singh Rana.

The Indian professional wrestler has suddenly become a rage in the country. And in the madness for grabbing eyeballs, the channels are competing with each other in showing his bouts and programmes on his life. People did watch WWF in the past but such craze is amazing.

Khali, who was earlier a Punjab police personnel, before he shifted to USA and took to professional freestyle wrestling, fetches good TRP. Such is the craze that news programmes are sacrificed for him.

Khali, who is signed to WWE ie World Wrestling Entertainment, is now a permanent feature on TV networks. Whether he wins or loses is a different matter. Does his size and the thought of an Indian taking on the Whites probably gives a boost to our ego.

Else how can Khali dominate so much of airspace?

Monday, February 16, 2009


The Indian economy has maintained a growth rate of 7% to 8% and per capita income has risen by 7.4% in the past four yrs - here are the highlights of the 2009-10 budget.
# 7-8% growth# Quality education for all# Generating emp and investment# Ensuring 100 days employment at min wage# Focusing on agr and rual dev# Fiscal consolidation# Higher fiscal devolution Fundamentals
# Maintaining 7-8% growth
# The govt has worked for increasing access to education, health
# Employment generation
# Assuring 100 days of employment
# Agri, rural development
# Fiscal consolidation and reform
# Fiscal devolution
# Indian showed sustained growth of over 9 %
# 4.7% growth in per capita in 4 yrs
# Fiscal Deficit between 4.5% to 2.3%
# Domestic investment rate as a proportion increased to 39% in 2008
# Domestic saving increased to 39%
# All with guidance of Sonia Gandhi, Manmohan and with P Chidambaram contribution
# Growth drivers were Agri, services, manufacturing, construction
# Real heroes of Indian success stories are farmers
# 22.5 of wheat 28.5 mt of rice in PDS
# Food production grew by 10% every year to reach 230 mt in 08
# Manufacturing growth 9.5% inform 04 to 08
# Construction growth 26% from 04 to 08
# Export grew by 26.4% from 04 to 08
# Foreign trade as part of GDP grew to 35.5% in 08
# Capital inflows in 08 : 97% of GDP
# Revenue deficit fell to 1.1% of GDP Vs 3.6 under UPA
# This lead to accumulation of reserves and pressure on prices
# Effort made to deliver on commitments
# We have weathered the crisis but no room for complacency

# Current indications of the global situation is not encouraging First 9 months:
# Exports slowed down to 17.1% in last 9 months
# IIP fallen by 2% on YoY basis
# India still is second fastest growing eco of the world
# Prompt action: two packages announced
# They provided tax relief’s to boost demand and increase public spending
# Govt accorded approval infra projects worth Rs 70,000 cr
# Successful in attracting investment via PPP mode worth 67,700 cr
# 54 projects worth 67,700 cr under PPA
# Exports grew by 26.4% in last 4 years
# Agri annual growth at 3.7%
# Savings rate up to 30.7% in FY 08
# Inflation down to 4.4% in January
# Exports slowed down to 17.1% in last 9 months
# Domestic investment rate over 39% in FY 08

# Private investment partnerships in infrastructure projects
# Mention presenting budget after 25 years# Rs 652 cr pumped into Regional Rural Banks
# FY 08 fiscal deficit 2.7% Vs 4.5% in FY 04
# India Infrastructure Co to refinance 60% of the projects
# IIFCL to refinance commercial banks for infrastructure
# FRPM targets relaxed
# USD 32.5 bn received by way of foreign investment
# Fiscal deficit reduced
# To consider additional fiscal measure
# Inward FDI inflow Apr-Nov at USD 23.3 bn up 45% on year
# Latest figures show slowdown of FDI inflows
# Employment schemes, social security net need to be expanded
# Need for accelerated pace of financial reforms
# 60.12 lakh houses constructed in rural areas

# Process of re-amalgamation has been started
# Centre has contributed 600 cr for re-capitalisation of RRBs
# Turnover of public sector companies has increased from Rs 587,000 crore in 2003-04 to Rs 10,87,000 crore in 2007-08,
# Rs 632 crore provided for recaptalisation of Regional Rural Banks.
# Non-performing assets of public sector banks have fallen from 7.8 per cent in 2007 to 2.3 per cent in March 2008.
# We undertook comprehensive reform of tax structure
# Personal tax structures have been rationalised
# Union excise duties have also been rationalised
# Tax rates must fall our ability to pay must rise
# Revised estimates for 08-09
# Budget estimates revised to 909,053 cr from Rs 750,884 cr.
# Plan expenditure revised to 282953 cr
Central plan expenditure increased from Rs 243386 cr to Rs 228957 cr
Fertiliser subsidy increased by Rs 44,863 cr from about Rs 14,000 crore during 08-09.comments

Saturday, February 14, 2009


Departing from normal practice, Lalu Prasad announced an across-the-board 2% cut in fares of ordinary and AC class.

- All AC and Mail Express fares cut by 2%

- Freight rates kept unchanged

- Freight has grown at the rate of 8% in the past five years. Freight loading in the current year has come down due to economic downturn, because of which revenue has fallen. Otherwise it would have touched Rs one lakh crore.

- 43 new trains to start in 2009-10, extension of 14 trains envisaged and frequency of 14 trains to be increased.

- Kolkata Metro will be expanded

- Railways cash reserves touched Rs 90, 000 crore

- Railways have raised $100 million at 4% interest

- Railways expected to show a surplus of Rs 18,847 crore in the next fiscal.

- Feasibility study underway for bullet trains between Delhi-Amritsar, Ahmedabad-Pune, Hyderabad-Vijaywada- Chennai, Chennai-Bangalore, Delhi-Patna, Kolkata-Haldia and Ernakulam-Howrah.

- Dedicated freight corridor from Ludhiana to Kolkata to be inaugurated later this month

- Railway line between Anantnag and Rajwansher in Kashmir valley will be extended to Qazigund in four months

- 4 call centres set up for railway enquiry

- Invested Rs 70, 000 crore out of surplus in last four years

- To invest Rs 2, 30,000 crore in the 11th Plan

- Decrease in the number of accidents in Railways since 2003

- Passenger volume likely to grow by around 7% over previous year

- Estimated freight earnings for next fiscal pegged at Rs 59,059 crore

Monday, February 9, 2009


3G is the third generation of mobile phone standards and technology, superseding 2.5G. It is based on the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) family of standards under the IMT-2000.
3G networks enable network operators to offer users a wider range of more advanced services while achieving greater network capacity through improved spectral efficiency. Services include wide-area wireless voice telephony, video calls, and broadband wireless data, all in a mobile environment. Additional features also include HSPA data transmission capabilities able to deliver speeds up to 14.4Mbit/s on the downlink and 5.8Mbit/s on the uplink.
Unlike IEEE 802.11 (common names Wi-Fi or WLAN) networks, 3G networks are wide area cellular telephone networks which evolved to incorporate high-speed internet access and video telephony. IEEE 802.11 networks are short range, high-bandwidth networks primarily developed for data.


3G networks offer a greater degree of security than 2G predecessors. By allowing the UE to authenticate the network it is attaching to, the user can be sure the network is the intended one and not an impersonator. 3G networks use the KASUMI block crypto instead of the older A5/1 stream cipher. However, a number of serious weaknesses in the KASUMI cipher have been identified.
In addition to the 3G network infrastructure security, end to end security is offered when application frameworks such as IMS are accessed, although this is not strictly a 3G property.

Although 3G was successfully introduced to users across the world, some issues are debated by 3G providers and users:
1.Expensive input fees for the 3G service licenses
2.Numerous differences in the licensing terms
3.Large amount of debt currently sustained by many telecommunication companies, which 4.makes it a challenge to build the necessary infrastructure for 3G
4.Lack of member state support for financially troubled operators
5.Expense of 3G phones
6.Lack of buy-in by 2G mobile users for the new 3G wireless services
7.Lack of coverage, because it is still a new service
8.High prices of 3G mobile services in some countries, including Internet access .
9.Current lack of user need for 3G voice and data services in a hand-held device
10.High power usage

Monday, January 26, 2009


Thursday, January 1, 2009