Wednesday, May 12, 2010

careers in opensource

With the deepening economic slowdown enterprises have started looking hard at optimizing their IT budgets, in some cases even resorting to free and Open Source solutions and softwares to address to their needs. The adoption of Open Source in enterprises will automatically imply a need for employees having familiarity with Open Source technologies. Here we look at what all opportunities that you can look at to start a career in the Open Source domain

Today, many applications are being developed in the Open Source environment and are gaining wider acceptance. Open Source is no longer synonymous to Linux and Java, but has matured to several middle-ware, ERP, BI and other enterprise applications. A recent survey by Gartner suggests an increasing role for Open Source as part of business strategies in the coming years. Numerous developers from around the world are contributing to Open Source software and the ratio of contributing developers is witnessing a higher growth. Sun Microsystems, Google, SourceForge, Apache and many other organizations have several Open Source projects hosted and supported by them. It's not only the developer community that has been actively collaborating to build Open Source solutions all the while, but even enterprises are showing interest in the business viability of Open Source solutions. Hearing all the buzz about the Open Source model and its adoption by organizations, and looking at the number of organizations that are initiating their own Open Source projects, one is tempted to wonder how to make a career in this wide arena.

How to start a career in Open Source
Open Source is a wide domain and there isn't any fixed path that one can tread to make a career. There are two ways in which one can kick-start a career in Open Source technologies. The first will pay you while the second will cost you. You can get trained in one of the Open Source technologies and subsequently be hired by an enterprise where it is used. The other way encompasses the true essence of the Open Source, of not just being a user but a contributor. Contributing to Open Source doesn't pay you unless you are working for an organization that distributes under the BSD license, like Red Hat or Sun. Contributing to Open Source doesn't cost you a dime, but you need to devote time and effort, and this pays you in form of recognition in the Open Source arena.

Not everyone is lucky enough to get hired by an IT enterprise where he or she could get involved in a high-profile project of their interest that would also help them in career growth. In fact, people with the necessary skills and knowledge strive hard but are not able to get the work or project where their interest lies. Open Source on the other hand, gives you that opportunity where you can choose the project of your choice; the project that matches your skills and also your area of interest. Open Source projects are typically created as collaborative efforts where programmers improve upon the code and share the changes within the community. The kind of contribution you make for an Open Source project is visible and can land you job offers from enterprises that want pros in that domain. Certifications do acknowledge your skills and are generally accepted by the industry, but your work for an Open Source project is visible and gives instant proof of your knowledge to a prospective employer.

(Adapted from various sources from the internet)

Saturday, March 27, 2010



The history of computer technology has involved a sequence of changes from gears to relays to valves to transistors to integrated circuits and so on. Today's techniques can fit logic gates and wires a fraction of a micron wide onto a silicon chip. Soon the parts will become smaller and smaller until they are made up of only a handful of atoms. At this point the laws of classical physics break down and the rules of quantum mechanics take over, so the new quantum technology must replace and/or supplement what we presently have. It will support an entirely new kind of computation with new algorithms based on quantum principles.

Presently our digital computers rely on bits, which, when charged, represent on, true, or 1. When not charged they become off, false, or 0. A register of 3 bits can represent at a given moment in time one of eight numbers (000,001,010,...,111). In the quantum state, an atom (one bit) can be in two places at once according to the laws of quantum physics, so 3 atoms (quantum bits or qubits) can represent all eight numbers at any given time. So for x number of qubits, there can be 2x numbers stored. (I will not go into the logic of all this or this paper would turn into a book!). Parallel processing can take place on the 2x input numbers, performing the same task that a classical computer would have to repeat 2x times or use 2x processors working in parallel. In other words a quantum computer offers an enormous gain in the use of computational resources such as time and memory. This becomes mind boggling when you think of what 32 qubits can accomplish.
This all sounds like another purely technological process. Classical computers can do the same computations as quantum computers, only needing more time and more memory. The catch is that they need exponentially more time and memory to match the power of a quantum computer. An exponential increase is really fast, and available time and memory run out very quickly.

Quantum computers can be programed in a qualitatively new way using new algorithms. For example, we can construct new algorithms for solving problems, some of which can turn difficult mathematical problems, such as factorization, into easy ones. The difficulty of factorization of large numbers is the basis for the security of many common methods of encryption. RSA, the most popular public key cryptosystem used to protect electronic bank accounts gets its security from the difficulty of factoring very large numbers. This was one of the first potential uses for a quantum computer.

"Experimental and theoretical research in quantum computation is accelerating world-wide. New technologies for realising quantum computers are being proposed, and new types of quantum computation with various advantages over classical computation are continually being discovered and analysed and we believe some of them will bear technological fruit. From a fundamental standpoint, however, it does not matter how useful quantum computation turns out to be, nor does it matter whether we build the first quantum computer tomorrow, next year or centuries from now. The quantum theory of computation must in any case be an integral part of the world view of anyone who seeks a fundamental understanding of the quantum theory and the processing of information."

In 1995 there was a $100 bet made to create the impossible within 16 years, the world's first nanometer supercomputer. This resulted in the NanoComputer Dream Team, and utilizes the internet to gather talent from every scientific field and from all over the world, amateur and professional. Their deadline: November 1, 2011. Watch for it! Are you ready for a computer that is billions of times faster than our present PC's?

Monday, March 8, 2010

RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feeds are a relatively new way to collect information from many different sources and have it delivered to your computer via an RSS reader. If you enjoy reading the news with your morning coffee, then setting up an RSS feed is the perfect way to do it. You can use the mouse and munch on a snack at the same time. No more reading the paper with both hands!  
Internet explorer 7 & above, Chrome,opera, Firefox, almost all the browsers all include many new features for setting up a RSS feed, however to make things simple, we'll describe a web based RSS feed that is compatible with all browsers.
You can use the free RSS reader from google to build a custom web page loaded with all your favorite news feeds. There are also groups of categories to choose from including News, Sports, Fun, and Geeky topics. You may also search for other topics. Your RSS reader will always keep you up to date because the technology is designed to continually look for news updates and download them.
Almost every website has a RSS feed that you can subscribe to, and easily added to your RSS reader. There are no limitations on topics either. Pick a topic, search for a RSS feed on it chances are you'll find a feed for it. RSS feeds are designed by individuals and by businesses. A common method to promote a blog is to add it to an RSS feed. Many RSS feeds are simply a collection of blogs aggregated into one page.
If you prefer an RSS reader that is not web based, you may try your favorite search engine for RSS software.

Open Source : What do we get?

Open source software (OSS for short) is a great ideal. It is where the sharing of the source code could accelerate enhancement of software and made freely to the public. Sadly, this ideal will never be realized in this imperfect world. Like all great ideals, it is riddled with many cons as much as the pros that are expected.

Therefore, this article will discuss the pros and cons by exploring the characteristics of OSS. All software can be characterized with cost, functionalities, usability and sustainability. Cost is about the amount of development involved and how much the consumer is willing to pay for it. Functionalities describe the features and how the software would work. Last of all, sustainability looks at the backward compatibility and projected development of the software.

Pros: Source codes are like keys to programmers. By exposing the source codes, programmers can improve, modify and tweak any part of the software. This could reduce development time that translates into lower costs. As OSS is freely distributed, programmers are also able to use this software for their benefits. From this aspect, OSS is free to the extent of having the source codes.

Cons: Although the source codes are provided, there are hidden costs that do not come with the software. Programmers will have to be familiar with integrating open source with other proprietary software. Middleware might be needed in many instances. This gives additional cost. Novice users are also unfamiliar with the bugs and fixes that often occur in OSS. They also need to pay for customer support service or even documentation and manuals.

Pros: The functionalities of OSS are beginning to rival that to commercial software. This is because the global community of programmers and users have a hand in improving the software. In some cases, the OSS offers more functionality.

Cons: Being free comes with hidden cost. In similar fashion, functionalities bring about bugs and usability issues. Users will find the software patches a hassle in OSS. Those who are familiar with commercial software like Microsoft may not get used to the user interface of Open Office. This involves re-learning new software and incurring switching cost.

Pros: One of the greatest things in OSS is the continuous contribution and effort from programmers. Bear in mind that these programmers are improving the software at their own time and cost. They are not being paid in anyway. It is their passion that drives the growth of the software like parents watching their children. Thus, the development of software will be moving at an amazing pace with a large community as compared to commercial software.

Cons: On the other hand, OSS faces major issues in backward compatibility, project management and customer support. Can OSS sustain and compete against commercial software? As most OSS grows from contributions from online community, resources are limited. There is also a need to manage the long-term vision of the software. Customers would demand support and help in using OSS.

OSS is a great threat to commercial software. Commercial software companies never expect that source codes would be freely distributed. Although OSS is "free", users expect more than just the source codes. Documentations, manuals and customer support could incur the additional cost. Switching cost will also comes in the form of training as most users are used to the functionalities of commercial software. Hence, new way has been introduced in the form of commercial open source to address the cons from OSS. In this way, consumers could have the best of both worlds.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Cyber Stalking

Recently i came across some articles which showed a considerable rise in cases of Cyber Stalking in India.
Well lets draw an overview on this latest facet of cyber crime :

Cyber Stalking can be defined as the repeated acts harassment or threatening behavior of the cyber criminal towards the victim by using internet services. Stalking in General terms can be referred to as the repeated acts of harassment targeting the victim such as following the victim, making harassing phone calls, killing the victims pet, vandalizing victims property, leaving written messages or objects. Stalking may be followed by serious violent acts such as physical harm to the victim and the same has to be treated and viewed seriously. It all depends on the course of conduct of the stalker.
Both kind of Stalkers Online & Offline – have desire to control the victims life. Majority of the stalkers are the dejected lovers or ex-lovers, who then want to harass the victim because they failed to satisfy their secret desires. Most of the stalkers are men and victim female.

How do they Operate
Collect all personal information about the victim such as name, family background, Telephone Numbers of residence and work place, daily routine of the victim, address of residence and place of work, date of birth etc. If the stalker is one of the acquaintances of the victim he can easily get this information. If stalker is a stranger to victim, he collects the information from the internet resources such as various profiles, the victim may have filled in while opening the chat or e-mail account or while signing an account with some website.
The stalker may post this information on any website related to sex-services or dating services, posing as if the victim is posting this information and invite the people to call the victim on her telephone numbers to have sexual services. Stalker even uses very filthy and obscene language to invite the interested persons.
People of all kind from nook and corner of the World, who come across this information, start calling the victim at her residence and/or work place, asking for sexual services or relationships.
Some stalkers subscribe the e-mail account of the victim to innumerable pornographic and sex sites, because of which victim starts receiving such kind of unsolicited e-mails.
Some stalkers keep on sending repeated e-mails asking for various kinds of favors or threaten the victim.
In online stalking the stalker can make third party to harass the victim.
Follow their victim from board to board. They “hangout” on the same BB’s as their victim, many times posting notes to the victim, making sure the victim is aware that he/she is being followed. Many times they will “flame” their victim (becoming argumentative, insulting) to get their attention.
Stalkers will almost always make contact with their victims through email. The letters may be loving, threatening, or sexually explicit. He will many times use multiple names when contacting the victim.
Contact victim via telephone. If the stalker is able to access the victims telephon, he will many times make calls to the victim to threaten, harass, or intimidate them.
Track the victim to his/her home.

Definition of Cyberstalking?
Although there is no universally accepted definition of cyberstalking, the term is used in this report to refer to the use of the Internet, e-mail, or other electronic communications devices to stalk another person. Stalking generally involves harassing or threatening behavior that an individual engages in repeatedly, such as following a person, appearing at a person’s home or place of business, making harassing phone calls, leaving written messages or objects, or vandalizing a person’s property. Most stalking laws require that the perpetrator make a credible threat of violence against the victim; others include threats against the victim’s immediate family; and still others require only that the alleged stalker’s course of conduct constitute an implied threat.(1) While some conduct involving annoying or menacing behavior might fall short of illegal stalking, such behavior may be a prelude to stalking and violence and should be treated seriously.

Nature and Extent of Cyberstalking
An existing problem aggravated by new technology Although online harassment and threats can take many forms, cyberstalking shares important characteristics with offline stalking. Many stalkers – online or off – are motivated by a desire to exert control over their victims and engage in similar types of behavior to accomplish this end. As with offline stalking, the available evidence (which is largely anecdotal) suggests that the majority of cyberstalkers are men and the majority of their victims are women, although there have been reported cases of women cyberstalking men and of same-sex cyberstalking. In many cases, the cyberstalker and the victim had a prior relationship, and the cyberstalking begins when the victim attempts to break off the relationship. However, there also have been many instances of cyberstalking by strangers. Given the enormous amount of personal information available through the Internet, a cyberstalker can easily locate private information about a potential victim with a few mouse clicks or key strokes.

The fact that cyberstalking does not involve physical contact may create the misperception that it is more benign than physical stalking. This is not necessarily true. As the Internet becomes an ever more integral part of our personal and professional lives, stalkers can take advantage of the ease of communications as well as increased access to personal information. In addition, the ease of use and non-confrontational, impersonal, and sometimes anonymous nature of Internet communications may remove disincentives to cyberstalking. Put another way, whereas a potential stalker may be unwilling or unable to confront a victim in person or on the telephone, he or she may have little hesitation sending harassing or threatening electronic communications to a victim. Finally, as with physical stalking, online harassment and threats may be a prelude to more serious behavior, including physical violence.

A close look at a cyber stalking case in our country :
The Delhi Police has recently registered India’s First Case of Cyberstalking. One Mrs. Ritu Kohli complained to the police against the a person who was using her identity to chat over the Internet at the website, mostly in the Delhi channel for four consecutive days. Mrs. Kohli further complained that the person was chatting on the Net, using her name and giving her address and was talking obscene language. The same person was also deliberately giving her telephone number to other chatters encouraging them to call Ritu Kohli at odd hours. Consequently, Mrs Kohli received almost 40 calls in three days mostly at odd hours from as far away as Kuwait, Cochin, Bombay and Ahmedabad. The said calls created havoc in the personal life and mental peace of Ritu Kohli who decided to report the matter.

Consequently, the IP addresses were traced and the police investigated the entire matter and ultimately arrested Manish Kathuria on the said complaint. Manish apparently pleaded guilty and was arrested. A case was registered under section 509, of the Indian Penal Code (IPC). And thereafter he was released on bail.

This is the first time when a case of cyberstalking has been reported. Cyberstalking does not have any one definition but it can be defined to mean threatening, unwarranted behaviour or advances directed by one net user to another user using the medium of Internet and other forms of online communication. Cyberstalking is a recent phenomenon and women generally are the main targets of this cybercrime..

The said case of Ritu Kohli raises numerous Cyberlaw issues. It may be pertinent to mention that the said case came up before the coming into force of the Information Technology Act, 2000, India’s maiden foray in Cyberlaw. The case has been registered under section 509, IPC which reads as follows :

“Word, gesture or act intended to insult the modesty of a woman. – Whoever, intending to insult the modesty of any woman, utters any word, makes any sound or gesture, or exhibits any object, intending that such word or sound shall be heard, or that such gesture or object shall be seen, by such woman, or intrudes upon the privacy of such woman, shall be punished with simple imprisonment for a term which may extend to one year, or with fine or with both.”

A perusal of the entire section shows that the said section does not cover cyberstalking. The important ingredients of the said section includes that a word must be uttered or a sound or gesture must be made or any object must be exhibited. When a person chats on the Net for the purpose of the cyberstalking, he is neither uttering a word in the sense of the law nor making a sound or gesture nor exhibiting any object. The word chatting has been brought into coinage basically to describe a process by means of which various net users are simultaneously exchanging their views on the Internet with the help of technology. The net user is only working on his computer while chatting and that activity would not come within the ambit of Section 509 IPC even with the most liberal interpretation. Another issues is if no word has been uttered in the eyes of law or no sound or gestures has been make or object exhibited, then the question of intention behind the same would be very difficult to establish in a court of law, more so when the case relates to Cyberspace. Further, how would law enforcing agencies and the courts of law be able to find out about the intention to insult the modesty of any woman in cyberspace? It will be equally difficult to apply the other condition which talks about intruding upon the privacy of such woman ,stipulated in Section 509 IPC to cyberstalking. How would the courts adjudicate upon the intrusion of privacy of any woman in Cyberspace when cyberspace is a free, boundary less medium where privacy itself is at the center stage of controversy?

Even the new Information Technology Act, 2000 does not address the issue of Cyberstalking at all. Another Cyberlaw issue concerning cyberstalking is which court would have jurisdiction to try the offence of cyberstalking. There is a need to create more awareness amongst the legislature and the law enforcing agencies regarding this new cybercrime in order to enable its early regulation .

- With collected information from website of Mumbai Police, cyber crime bureau of India and various other sources.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

a thing called ragging

letme make a thing clear....
i m a 1st year engineering student at one of the most reputed colleges in india...
and the thing called ragging is infact a proven medium to map the bonds of respect and affection among seniors and juniors....
so it should be infact taken in a sportive maner rather than putting on shitted out complaints against our elders...

There was a recent write up stating that ragging was detected in a women’s college. The writer was shocked. How can girls rag? Why not?
A bully need not be a male only. Anyone who is aggressive and loves to target those who are less capable of handling themselves, can be a bully. This applies to both men and women. Ragging was reported mostly from men’s college, so the fact that girls too can bully was not taken notice of. In this women’s college, a young girl was made to dance naked and she felt so humiliated, she quit.
Who is a bully? Why does someone take to bullying? Bullying habits start from childhood, so one can easily identify these young bullies. And if they are addressed while young, this habit can be nipped in the bud.
A young child who witnesses violence at home, will grow up thinking to get one’s needs satisfied, one has to resort to violence. It boils down to survival of the fittest, and if violence opens doors, then that style is adopted. A home where the parents are forever shouting, abusing each other and the children, and where addiction of some sort is present, will give rise to children who will not mind bullying tactics. They will consider it normal to bully and get their way.
Also those children who do not get love and attention at home can resort to bullying. Through democratic parenting, children can be taught to own responsibility and to respect others and their property. When such parenting is lacking, there is no one to guide, then the children will grow up with no respect for people or social rules. And this can happen to boys as well as girls.
Many children have difficulty controlling their impulses. And when such behavior patterns are not observed and rectified, then these children can turn into bullies. I happened to visit the juvenile home some time back. There I met a young boy, in his teens who had got into trouble because of his immaturity. He appeared very soft, shy and someone who can be taken for a ride. Apparently he had interfered in an adults’ quarrel which ended in him being the cause of a man’s death. It did not seem to strike him he was the cause of a person’s death, he was that immature.
Then there are those who love attention. And even negative attention is craved for. They wish for other children to look up to them, feel like some heroes and bask in hero worship. For them appearing hip will be to pick on someone and control that person.
Bullies generally tend to pick on those who will not retaliate. They do not wish to appear not capable, and their victims will be either younger than them or physically weak. And bullying is a determined act. It is not accidental or spur of the moment, bullies select their victims and bring about control over them.
When a child is observed displaying bullying habits, he/she has to be counseled. He/she may lack individual attention, either from parents or from school authorities. The parents have to be counseled on the negative consequences of bullying and they have to be shown the benefits of responsible parenting.
Also when such children do not see any visible monitoring happening, then they will indulge in this behavior without qualms. They can also be egged on by others and sometimes they are manipulated by vested interests. They being immature, can easily fall into such traps.
Ragging in educational institutions has become a criminal offense. If the students indulge in ragging they can be arrested and their future can become a question mark. So the negative consequences of ragging or bullying will have to be pointed out to them apart from showing them positive behavior.
Such children crave attention. And when the adults compliment or appreciate their good behavior and ignore their negative behavior, changes in behavior can be expected. They will have to be mentored closely and given good role models to follow. Involving them in some sort of community service will also help.
Their excess energy can be diverted in physical activities and they can be encouraged to participate in contact sports. Ridiculing them or shunning them will not yield results. It is their behavior that has to be ignored, not them.
If it is guidance they need, it can be provided. Some children come from broken homes, or from homes where one or both parents suffer some pathology. Such children do not know acceptable behavior. Here the educational institutions can extend a helping hand.
Bullies are not born so, only circumstances make them bullies. Unless they suffer from some pathology themselves, their behavior is mostly learned. And so the behavior can be unlearned. They need to be counseled and they also need our empathy. It is not only the victims that need help, even bullies do. It will be tough, but when the problem is detected early, positive results with counseling can be expected.

Friday, July 10, 2009


In the beginning, God created the bit. And the bit was a zero; nothing.

On the first day, He toggled the 0 to 1, and the Universe was. (In those days, bootstrap loaders were simple, and "active low" signals didn't yet exist.)

On the second day, God's boss wanted a demo, and tried to read the bit. This being volatile memory, the bit reverted to a 0. And the universe wasn't. God learned the importance of backups and memory refresh, and spent the rest of the day ( and his first all-nighter ) reconstructing the universe.

On the third day, the bit cried "Oh, Lord! If you exist, give me a sign!" And God created rev 2.0 of the bit, even better than the original prototype. Those in Universe Marketing immediately realized the the "new and improved" wouldn't do justice to such a grand and glorious creation. And so it was dubbed the Most Significant Bit, or the Sign bit. Many bits followed, but only one was so honored.

On the fourth day, God created a simple ALU with 'add' and 'logical shift' instructions. And the original bit discovered that by performing a single shift instruction, it could become the Most Significant Bit. And God realized the importance of computer security.

On the fifth day, God created the first mid-life kicker, rev 2.0 of the ALU, with wonderful features, and said "Screw that add and shift stuff. Go forth and multiply." And God saw that it was good.

On the sixth day, God got a bit overconfident, and invented pipelines, register hazards, optimizing compilers, crosstalk, restartable instructions, microinterrupts, race conditions, and propagation delays. Historians have used this to convincingly argue that the sixth day must have been a Monday.

On the seventh day, an engineering change introduced UNIX into the Universe, and it hasn't worked right since.